A reader writes in:
Is there anything on your site that shows me how to make an SVG clickable using CSS? As in, I have an SVG and I click on part of it and it should reveal an outline on that part of the element? I have a telephone interview Tuesday for a job as a remote SVG Illustrator and I don't want to look like a turkey.
Say I have an of The United States and it's like this:
Each state then is kind of a direct descendant of the , the selector would be
svg.us > *
Typically, when I think "clickable", I think JavaScript. Here's how we could watch for clicks on each state. We'll also apply a class to the state clicked:
var allStates = $("svg.us > *");
allStates.on("click", function() {
That class will do the styling for us. You mentioned an outline, so let's do that and a fill color as well:
.on {
fill: pink;
stroke: red;
stroke-width: 2;
See the Pen Click State to Activate by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) on CodePen.
But you DID say "clickable using CSS" specifically. That's a little trickier. Usually we have :focus
in CSS, but I don't think there is any tried-and-true way to make an SVG element itself focusable. There was talk (long ago) of a focusable
attribute, but I think that's out. The HTML-way is tabindex, which I believe works in some browsers, but we can't count on it. I think the best way is using anchors in SVG (yep, we can use them in SVG too!) which are focusable in all browsers. Then apply the :focus
style to the anchor which cascades into the shapes.
Amelia Bellamy-Royds did just this in a StackOverflow thread. Here's my slightly simplified version:
a:focus {
fill: pink;
stroke: red;
stroke-width: 1;
That should do it:
See the Pen SVG with Focusable Elements by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) on CodePen.
Click SVG Element to Focus (and Style) is a post from CSS-Tricks
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